EGL _Assignment1 Mac OS

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  1. Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os X
  2. Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os 11
  3. Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Catalina
  4. Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Download

Supported by Mac OSX). As such, it will be necessary to have updated compilers/operating systems/drivers. Requirements Overview This section lists the requirements for compiling OpenGL 4 code on di erent system platforms. In the next sections, we will go over the details for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. C Compiler with C11 Support OpenGL 4.1. Unit 4 Assignment 1 1/11/17 OSX Scavenger Hunt 1. What are five MAC OSX interfaces? Finder, Apple Menu, System Preferences, The Dock, and File management 2. How do I turn on AirPort? From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences. From the View menu, choose Network. In the list of available network connections, select AirPort. Click the '-' button to remove the AirPort interface. The program in this case can deploy inside or outside of J2EE. Also, you can call a program that runs in CICS® batch mode from an EGL service or EGL web service. A non-interactive COBOL program can generate to run on CICS for z/OS®, on z/OS batch mode outside of CICS, or on iSeries®.


What are the system requirements for Snapdragon Profiler?

  • A PC running Windows 7, Windows 8.x or Windows 10, a Mac running OS X Yosemite (10.10) or later, or a PC running Ubuntu Linux 14.04 (Trusty) or later.
  • ADB 1.0.40 (or later)
  • Snapdragon Profiler uses the Mono framework with GTK#. If you do not already have it installed, you can download and install this dependency.
  • A mobile device running Android 5.0 (or later) powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor.

Does Snapdragon Profiler also work on non-Snapdragon devices?
Snapdragon Profiler is designed to work best with devices powered by Snapdragon processors. Although some limited functionality may exist on non-Snapdragon devices, we do not guarantee the complete functionality on non-Snapdragon devices.

What development Snapdragon devices does Snapdragon Profiler work with?
Snapdragon Profiler works with all devices powered by Snapdragon processors including commercial and development boards. Photoshop like app for ipad pro.

For Android, we recommend using a Nexus device, or Snapdragon Mobile development platforms running Android 5.0 (or later).

Setup and Installation

What is the installation procedure for Snapdragon Profiler?
On Windows:

  • Run the installer executable on your host machine. The installer will walk you through the required steps, and prompt you for any dependencies that it cannot find.
  • It is recommended to run the installer with administrator privileges.

On Mac OS X:

  • Download and install the latest Mono Framework for Mac OS X.
  • Once Mono is installed, mount the Snapdragon Profiler .dmg image by clicking it in Finder
  • Make sure to drag the '' to the ‘Applications' folder

On Ubuntu Linux:

  • Download and install the latest Mono Framework for Linux.
  • Install the libc++ C++ Standard library with sudo apt-get install libc++1
  • Install Java Runtime 1.7.0_79 or later with sudo apt-get install default-jre
  • Install adb 1.0.40 or later with sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb

Extract the Snapdragon Profiler tarball to the desired directory with tar zxvf SnapdragonProfiler_Release_External_Linux.tar.gz

Where does the tool install to?

  • On Windows, Snapdragon Profiler will install to 'C:Program Files (x86)QualcommSnapdragon Profiler'.
  • On Mac OS X, Snapdragon Profiler will be available in your Applications folder.
  • On Ubuntu Linux, Snapdragon Profiler will be available from the directory the tarball was extracted to.

Will installing this tool modify my environmental variables?
No, but Snapdragon Profiler does expect ADB to be accessible through your system PATH.


What features does Snapdragon Profiler support?

  • Real-time view makes it easy to correlate system resource usage on a timeline. Analyze CPU, GPU, DSP, memory, power, thermal and network data metrics
  • Trace Capture mode allows you to visualize kernel and system events on a timeline to analyze low-level system events across the CPU, GPU and DSP
  • Snapshot Capture mode allows you to capture and debug a rendered frame from any OpenGL ES app***
  • Graphics and Compute API support includes: OpenGL ES 3.2, OpenCL 2.1, and Vulkan 1.0**

* Requires a Snapdragon 820 (or later) processor
** Requires Android N (or a Android 6.0 device with a graphics driver that supports Vulkan). Preapocalyptic mac os. Vulkan profiling is currently available only in Trace Capture mode on rooted devices.
*** Requires a Snapdragon 805 (or later) processor and Android 6.0 (or later)

Can Snapdragon Profiler help measure power consumption?
Yes, although we recommend to get the most accurate power measurement to connect your device through ADB Wi-Fi as a USB connection interferes with the power measurement.


Why can't I connect to my device?
Open a command prompt or terminal and confirm that your device is setup for ADB via the 'adb devices' command with a status of 'device'. Try increasing the Device Connection Timeout value under File/Settings if you receive a timeout message. Once you've confirmed and eliminated the ADB connection as a problem then please contact us on the Snapdragon Profiler support forums.

Sometimes when I add a real-time metric the track doesn't have any data.
If you select a metric that does not trigger system events that generate profiling data, then Snapdragon Profiler will not show the data.

Nothing happens when I select my application and run a Snapshot Capture.
Snapdragon Profiler interfaces with the graphics driver to query that information gathered in a Snapshot for a rendered frame. Some devices may not have the driver updates required to gather this data and properly support Snapshots. Android 6.0 (or later) is required for this feature.

Why don't I see FPS on my device?
To view the FPS, select your process and you should see new categories in the metric list. Expand the 'EGL' category and FPS should be one of your metric options. FPS will only work on OpenGL ES apps running on Snapdragon 805 (or later) mobile devices.

Why don't I see Vulkan metrics?

  • Make sure you have ADB root access
  • Confirm all of the Vulkan libraries are in the right location and write permissions are enabled
  • Start your app after you connect to Snapdragon Profiler
  • Confirm that you have a supported device: Requires an Android N (or Android 6.0 device with a graphics driver that supports Vulkan (like a Samsung Galaxy 7).

Instructor: Shuang Zhao
Due: Tuesday May 21, 2019 (23:59 pm Pacific Time)

Credit: The programming assignments of this course is based on Nori, an educational renderer created by Wenzel Jakob.

What to submit

  • A report including results and discussions required by Part 1, 2, and 3.
  • A zip package containing your nori/CMakeLists.txt file as well as full nori/include/ and nori/src/ directories.
Note: since Nori has been actively used by a number of institutes for their rendering courses, please do NOT post your solution code online (even after the due date).

This part of the assignment is for you to properly setup Nori and get familiar with its key components. You do NOT have to submit anything.

Part 0.1. Setting Up a C++ Compiler and Building the Base Code

Click here to download Nori's base code as well as all scene files needed for this assignment.

Linux / Mac OS X

Begin by installing the CMake build system on your system. On Mac OS X, you will also need to install a reasonably up-to-date version of XCode along with the command line tools. On Linux, any reasonably recent version of GCC or Clang will work. Navigate to the Nori folder, create a build directory and start cmake-gui, like so:

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os X

Set the build type to 'Unix Makefiles' and then press the Configure and Generate buttons.

After the Makefiles are generated, simply run make to compile all dependencies and Nori itself. This can take quite a while; the above command compiles with four processors at the same time. Note that you will probably see many warning messages while the dependencies are compiled—you can ignore them.

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os 11

Tip: it's a good idea to set the build mode to Release unless you are tracking down a particular bug. The debug version runs much slower (by a factor of 50 or more).

Windows / Visual Studio 2013

Begin by installing Visual Studio 2013 (older versions won't do) and a reasonably recent version (3.x or later) of CMake. Start CMake and navigate to the Nori directory.

Be sure to select the Visual Studio 2013 64 bit compiler. It is also generally a good idea to choose a build directory that is different from the source directory.

After setting up the project, click the Configure and Generate button. This will create a file called nori.sln—double-click it to open Visual Studio.

The opened Visual Studio 2013 project. It's a good idea to set the build mode to Release (see the red marker) unless you are tracking down a particular bug. The debug version runs much slower (by a factor of 50 or more).

The Build->Build Solution menu item will automatically compile all dependency libraries and Nori itself; the resulting executable is written to the Release or Debug subfolder of your chosen build directory. Note that you will probably see many warning messages while the dependencies are compiled—you can ignore them.

Part 0.2. A High-Level Overview

The Nori base code consists of the base code files (left table) and several dependency libraries (right table) that are briefly explained below.
srcA directory containing the main C++ source code
include/noriA directory containing header files with declarations
extExternal dependency libraries (see the table right)
scenesExample scenes and test datasets to validate your implementation
CMakeLists.txtA CMake build file which specifies how to compile and link Nori
CMakeConfig.txtA low-level CMake build file which specifies how to compile and link several dependency libraries upon which Nori depends. You probably won't have to change anything here.
ext/openexrA high dynamic range image format library
ext/pcg32A tiny self-contained pseudorandom number generator
ext/filesystemA tiny self-contained library for manipulating paths on various platforms
ext/pugixmlA light-weight XML parsing library
ext/tbbIntel's Boost Thread Building Blocks for multi-threading
ext/tinyformatType-safe C++11 version of printf and sprintf
ext/hypothesisFunctions for statistical hypothesis tests
ext/nanoguiA minimalistic GUI library for OpenGL
ext/nanogui/ext/eigenA linear algebra library used by nanogui and Nori.
ext/zlibA compression library used by OpenEXR
Let's begin with a brief overview of the most important dependencies:


When developing any kind of graphics-related software, it's important to be familiar with the core mathematics support library that is responsible for basic linear algebra types, such as vectors, points, normals, and linear transformations. Nori uses Eigen 3 for this purpose. We don't expect you to understand the inner workings of this library but recommend that you at least take a look at the helpful tutorial provided on the Eigen web page.

Nori provides a set of linear algebra types that are derived from Eigen's matrix/vector class (see e.g. the header file include/nori/vector.h). This is necessary because we will be handling various quantities that require different treatment when undergoing homogeneous coordinate transformations, and in particular we must distinguish between positions, vectors, and normals. The main subset of types that you will most likely use are:

  • Point2i,
  • Point2f,
  • Point3f,
  • Vector2i,
  • Vector2f,
  • Vector3f, and
  • Normal3f.
where the number indicates the dimension and the subsequent character denotes the underlying scalar type (i.e. integer or single precision floating point).


The pugixml library implements a tiny XML parser that we use to load Nori scenes. The format of these scenes is described below. The XML parser is fully implemented for your convenience, but you may have to change it if you wish to extend the file format for your final project.


PCG is a family of tiny pseudo-random number generators with good performance that was recently proposed by Melissa O'Neill. The full implementation of pcg32 (one member of this family) is provided in a single header file in ext/pcg32/pcg32.h. You will be using this class as a source of pseudo-randomness.

Hypothesis test support library

With each programming assignment, we will provide statistical hypothesis tests that you can use to verify that your algorithms are implemented correctly. You can think of them as unit tests with a little extra twist: suppose that the correct result of a certain computation in a is given by a constant (c). A normal unit test would check that the actual computed (c') satisfies (|c-c'|Monte Carlo algorithms), and in practice the computed answer (c') can be quite different from (c), which makes it tricky to choose a suitable constant (varepsilon).

A statistical hypothesis test, on the other hand, analyzes the computed value and an estimate of its variance and tries to assess how likely it is that the difference (|c-c'|) is due to random noise or an actual implementation bug. When it is extremely unlikely (usually (p<0.001)) that the error could be attributed to noise, the test reports a failure.


OpenEXR is a standardized file format for storing high dynamic range images. It was originally developed by Industrial Light and Magic and is now widely used in the movie industry and for rendering in general. The directory ext/openexr contains the open source reference implementation of this standard. You will probably not be using this library directly but through Nori's Bitmap class implemented in src/bitmap.cpp and include/nori/bitmap.h to load and write OpenEXR files.


The NanoGUI library creates an OpenGL window and provides a small set of user interface elements (buttons, sliders, etc.). We use it to show the preview of the image being rendered. This library could be useful if your final project involves some kind of user interaction.

Intel Thread Building Blocks

The tbb directory contains Intel's Thread Building Blocks (TBB). This is a library for parallelizing various kinds of programs similar in spirit to OpenMP and Grand Central Dispatch on Mac OS. You will see in the course that renderings often require significant amounts of computation, but this computation is easy to parallelize. We use TBB because it is more portable and flexible than the aforementioned platform-specific solutions. The basic rendering loop in Nori (in src/main.cpp) is already parallelized, so you will probably not have to read up on this library unless you plan to parallelize a custom algorithm for your final project.

Part 0.3. Scene File Format and Parsing

Take a moment to browse through the header files in include/nori. You will generally find all important interfaces and their documentation in this place. Most headers files also have a corresponding .cpp implementation file in the src directory. The most important class is called NoriObject—it is the base class of everything that can be constructed using the XML scene description language. Other interfaces (e.g. Camera) derive from this class and expose additional more specific functionality (e.g. to generate an outgoing ray from a camera).

Nori uses a very simple XML-based scene description language, which can be interpreted as a kind of building plan: the parser creates the scene step by step as it reads the scene file from top to bottom. The XML tags in this document are interpreted as requests to construct certain C++ objects including information on how to put them together.

Each XML tag is either an object or a property. Objects correspond to C++ instances that will be allocated on the heap. Properties are small bits of information that are passed to an object at the time of its instantiation. For instance, the following snippet creates red diffuse BSDF:

Here, the tag will cause the creation of an object of type BSDF, and the type attribute specifies what specific subclass of BSDF should be used. The tag creates a property of name albedo that will be passed to its constructor. If you open up the C++ source file src/diffuse.cpp, you will see that there is a constructor, which looks for this specific property:

The piece of code that associates the 'diffuse' XML identifier with the Diffuse class in the C++ code is a macro found at the bottom of the file:

Certain objects can be nested hierarchically. For example, the following XML snippet creates a mesh that loads its contents from an external OBJ file and assigns a red diffuse BRDF to it.

Implementation-wise, this kind of nesting will cause a method named addChild() to be invoked within the parent object. In this specific example, this means that Mesh::addChild() is called, which roughly looks as follows: This function verifies that the nested object is a BSDF, and that no BSDF was specified before; otherwise, it throws an exception of type NoriException.

The following different types of properties can currently be passed to objects within the XML description language:

The top-level element of any scene file is usually a tag, but this is not always the case. For instance, some of the programming assignments will ask you to run statistical tests on BRDF models or rendering algorithms, and these tests are also specified using the XML scene description language, like so:

Part 0.4. Creating Your First Nori Class

In Nori, rendering algorithms are referred to as integrators because they generally solve a numerical integration problem. The remainder of this section explains how to create your first (dummy) integrator which visualizes the surface normals of objects.

We begin by creating a new Nori object subclass in src/normals.cpp with the following content:

To try out this integrator, we first need to add it to the CMake build system: for this, open CMakeLists.txt and look for the command

Add the line src/normals.cpp at the end of the source file list and recompile. If everything goes well, CMake will create an executable named nori (or nori.exe on Windows) which you can call on the command line.

Finally, create a small test scene with the following content and save it as test.xml:

This file instantiates our integrator and creates the default camera setup. Running nori with this scene causes two things to happen:

First, some text output should be visible on the console: The Nori executable echoed the property value we provided, and it printed a brief human-readable summary of the scene. The rendered scene is saved as an OpenEXR file named test.exr.
Secondly, a solid green window pops up. This is the image we just rendered! The slider at the bottom can be used to change the camera exposure value.

Visualizing OpenEXR files

A word of caution: various tools for visualizing OpenEXR images exist, but not all really do what one would expect. Adobe Photoshop and the HDRITools by Edgar Velázquez-Armendáriz work correctly, but on Mac OS for instance tonemaps these files in an awkward and unclear way.

If in doubt, you can also use Nori as an OpenEXR viewer: simply run it with an EXR file as parameter, like so:

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Catalina

Tracing rays

Let's now build a more interesting integrator which traces some rays against the scene geometry. Change the file normals.cpp as shown on the left side. Invoke nori on the file scenes/pa1/bunny.xml, and you should get the image on the right.

In this exercise you will generate sample points on various domains: the plane, disks, spheres, and hemispheres. The base code has been extended with an interactive visualization and testing tool to make working with point sets as intuitive as possible.

After compiling the provided base code, you should see an executable named warptest. Run this executable to launch the interactive warping tool, which allows you to visualize the behavior of different warping functions given a range of input point sets (independent, grid, and stratified). Up to now, we only discussed uniform random variables which correspond to the 'independent' type, and you need not concern yourself with the others for now.

Part 1 is split into several subsections; in each case, you are asked to implement a distribution function and a matching sample warping scheme It is crucial that both are consistent with respect to each other (i.e. that warped samples have exactly the distribution described by the density function). Significant errors can arise if inconsistent warpings are used for Monte Carlo integration. The warptest tool provided by us implements a (chi^2) test to ensure that this consistency requirement is indeed satisfied.

Note that passing the test does not generally imply that your implementation is correct—for instance, the test may not have enough 'evidence' to generate a failure, or potentially the warping function and the density function are both incorrect in the same manner. Use your judgment and don't rely on this test alone.
The input point set (stratified samples passed through a 'no-op' warp function)
A more interesting case that you will implement (with a grid visualization of the mapping)

Part 1.1. Sample Warping

Implement the missing functions in class Warp found in src/warp.cpp. This class consists of various warp methods that take as input a 2D point ((s, t) in [0, 1) times [0, 1) ) and return the warped 2D (or 3D) point in the new domain. Each method is accompanied by another method that returns the probability density with which a sample was picked. Our default implementations all throw an exception, which produces an error message in the graphical user interface of warptest. The slides on the course website provide a number of useful recipes for warping samples and computing the densities, and the PBRT textbook also contains considerable information on this topic that you should feel free to use.

  • Warp::squareToTent and Warp::squareToTentPdf

    Implement a method that transforms uniformly distributed 2D points on the unit square into the 2D 'tent' distribution, which has the following form: [ p(x, y)=p_1(x),p_1(y)quadtext{and}quad p_1(t) = begin{cases} 1-|x|, & -1le xle 1 0,&text{otherwise} end{cases} ]

    Note that this distribution is composed of two independent 1D distributions, which makes this task considerably easier. Follow the 'recipe' discussed in class:
    1. Compute the CDF (P_1(t)) of the 1D distribution (p_1(t))
    2. Derive the inverse (P_1^{-1}(t))
    3. Map a random variable (xi) through the inverse (P_1^{-1}(t)) from the previous step
    Show the details of these steps in your report (either using TeX, or by taking a photograph of the derivation and embedding the image)
  • Warp::squareToUniformDisk and Warp::squareToUniformDiskPdf

    Implement a method that transforms uniformly distributed 2D points on the unit square into uniformly distributed points on a planar disk with radius 1 centered at the origin. Next, implement a probability density function that matches your warping scheme.

  • Warp::squareToUniformSphere and Warp::squareToUniformSpherePdf

    Implement a method that transforms uniformly distributed 2D points on the unit square into uniformly distributed points on the unit sphere centered at the origin. Implement a matching probability density function.

  • Warp::squareToUniformHemisphere and Warp::squareToUniformHemispherePdf

    Implement a method that transforms uniformly distributed 2D points on the unit square into uniformly distributed points on the unit hemisphere centered at the origin and oriented in direction ((0, 0, 1)). Add a matching probability density function.

  • Warp::squareToCosineHemisphere and Warp::squareToCosineHemispherePdf

    Transform your 2D point to a point distributed on the unit hemisphere with a cosine density function [ p(theta)=frac{costheta}{pi}, ] where (theta) is the angle between a point on the hemisphere and the north pole.

Part 1.2. Validation

Pass the (chi^2) test for each one of the above sampling techniques and include screen shots in your report.

In this part of the homework, you'll implement two basic rendering algorithms that set the stage for fancier methods investigated later in the course. For now, both of the methods assume that the object is composed of a simple white diffuse material that reflects light uniformly into all directions.

The Ajax bust illuminated by a point light source.

Part 2.1. Point lights

The provided base code includes a scene scenes/pa1/ajax-simple.xml that instantiates a (currently nonexistent) integrator/rendering algorithm named simple, which simulates a single point light source located at a 3D position position, and which emits an amount of energy given by the parameter energy.

Your first task will be to create a new Integrator that accepts these parameters (in a similar way as the dummy normals integrator shown at the beginning of Part 0.4). Take a look at the PropertyList class, which should be used to extract the two parameters.

Let (mathbf{p}) and (mathbf{Phi}) denote the position and energy of the light source, and suppose that (mathbf{x}) is the point being rendered. Then this integrator should compute the quantity

[ L(mathbf{x})=frac{Phi}{4pi^2} frac{mathrm{max}(0, costheta)}{|mathbf{x}-mathbf{p}|^2} V(mathbf{x}leftrightarrowmathbf{p}) ]

Backyard baseball mac os. where (theta) is the angle between the direction from (mathbf{x}) to (mathbf{p}) and the shading surface normal (available in Intersection::shFrame::n) at (mathbf{x}) and

[ V(mathbf{x}leftrightarrowmathbf{p}):=begin{cases} 1,&text{if $mathbf{x}$ and $mathbf{p}$ are mutually visible} 0,&text{otherwise} end{cases} ]

is the visibility function, which can be implemented using a shadow ray query. Intersecting a shadow ray against the scene is generally cheaper since it suffices to check whether an intersection exists rather than having to find the closest one.

Implement the simple integrator according to this specification and render the scene scenes/pa1/ajax-simple.xml. Include a comparison against the reference image in your report.

Part 2.2. Ambient occlusion

Ambient occlusion is rendering technique which assumes that a (diffuse) surface receives uniform illumination from all directions (similar to the conditions inside a light box), and that visibility is the only effect that matters. Some surface positions will receive less light than others since they are occluded, hence they will look darker. Formally, the quantity computed by ambient occlusion is defined as

[ L(mathbf{x})=int_{Omega_mathbf{x}}V(mathbf{x}, mathbf{x}+alphaomega),frac{costheta}{pi},mathrm{d}omega ]

which is an integral over the upper hemisphere (Omega_{mathbf{x}}) centered at the point (mathbf{x}). The variable (theta) refers to the angle between the direction (omega) and the shading normal at (mathbf{x}). The ad-hoc variable (alpha) adjusts how far-reaching the effects of occlusion are.

Note that this situation—sampling points on the hemisphere with a cosine weight—exactly corresponds to one of the warping functions you implemented in Part 2.1, specifically squareToCosineHemisphere. Use this function to sample a point on the hemisphere and then check for visibility using a shadow ray query. You can assume that occlusion is a global effect (i.e. (alpha=infty)).

One potential gotcha is that the samples produced by squareToCosineHemisphere lie in the reference hemisphere and need to be oriented according to the surface at (mathbf{x}). Take a look at the Frame class, which is intended to facilitate this.

Implement the ambient occlusion (ao) integrator and render the scene scenes/pa1/ajax-ao.xml. Include a comparison against the reference image in your report.

Part 3.1. Area lights

Our first goal will be to extend Nori so that any geometric object can be turned into a light source known as an area light.

Each triangle of a mesh that is marked as an area light uniformly emits radiance towards all directions above its surface. In Nori's XML description language, area lights are specified using a nested emitter tag of type area. Here is an example:

Currently, Nori won't be able to understand the above snippet since area lights are not yet implemented. To add area lights to Nori, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new class AreaLight in a file named src/area.cpp that derives from the Emitter class. Connect it to the scene parser using the NORI_* macros similar to the Integrators you have previously created. Use the constructor's const PropertyList & argument to extract the radiance parameter in the constructor.
  2. The Monte Carlo rendering technique in Part 3.2 requires the ability to sample points that are uniformly distributed on area lights. Currently, none of this functionality exists.

    Begin by familiarizing yourself with the Mesh class to see how vertices, faces and normals are stored. Next, add a method that uniformly samples positions on the surface associated with a specific Mesh instance. The name and precise interface of this method are completely up to you. However, we suggest that it should take a uniformly 2D sample and return:

    1. The sampled position (mathbb{p}) on the surface of the mesh.
    2. The interpolated surface normal (mathbb{n}) at (mathbb{p}) computed from the per-vertex normals. When the mesh does not provide per-vertex normals, compute and return the face normal instead.
    3. The probability density of the sample. This should be the reciprocal of the surface area of the entire mesh.

    You may find the DiscretePDF class (declared in include/nori/dpdf.h) useful to implement the sampling step. We suggest that you use this class to build a discrete probability distribution that will allow you to pick a triangle proportional to its surface area. Once a triangle is chosen, you can (uniformly) sample a barycentric coordinate ((alpha, beta, 1-alpha-beta)) using the mapping [ begin{pmatrix} alpha beta end{pmatrix} mapsto begin{pmatrix} 1 - sqrt{1 - xi_1} xi_2, sqrt{1 - xi_1} end{pmatrix} ] where (xi_1) and (xi_2) are uniform variates.

    The precomputation to build the discrete probability distribution can be performed in the activate() method of the Mesh class, which is automatically invoked by the XML parser.

Part 3.2. Distribution Ray Tracing

Egl Assignment 1 Mac Os Download

In this part you will implement a new direct illumination integrator, which integrates the incident radiance by sampling points on a set of emitters (a.k.a. light sources). Emitters can be fully, partially or not at all visible from a point in your scene, hence you will need to perform Monte Carlo integration to compute the reflected radiance while accounting for visibility.

3D text modeled as a diffuse object and illuminated by two spherical lights sources. Note the presence of smooth shadows below the text.

Recall the Reflection Equation discussed in class, which expresses the reflected radiance due to incident illumination from all directions as an integral over the unit hemisphere (Omega_{mathbf{x}}) at (mathbf{x}): [ newcommand{vx}{mathbf{x}} newcommand{vc}{mathbf{c}} newcommand{vy}{mathbf{y}} newcommand{vn}{mathbf{n}} L_r(vx,omega_o) = int_{Omega_{vx}} f_r (vx,omega_i leftrightarrow omega_o),L_i (vx,omega_i) costheta_i, mathrm{d}omega_i. ] We'll now put together all of the pieces to approximate this integral using Monte Carlo sampling.

Begin by taking a look at the BSDF class in Nori, which is an abstract interface for materials representing the (f_r) term in the above equation. Evaluating (f_r) entails a call to the BSDF::eval() function, while sampling and probability evaluation are realized using the BSDF::sample() and BSDF::pdf() methods. All methods take a special BRDFQueryRecord as argument, which stores relevant quantities in a convenient data structure.

In this assignment, we will only consider direct illumination, which means that (L_i(vx,omega_i)) is zero almost everywhere except for rays that happen to hit an area light source. A correct but naïve way of evaluating this integral would be to uniformly sample a direction on the hemisphere and then check if it leads to an intersection with a light source.

However, doing so would be extremely inefficient: light sources generally only occupy a tiny area on the hemisphere, hence most samples would be wasted, causing the algorithm to produce unusably noisy and unconverged images.

We will thus use a better strategy with a higher chance of success: instead of sampling directions on the hemisphere and checking if they hit a light source, we will directly sample points on the light sources and then check if they are visible as seen from (vx). Conceptually, this means that we will integrate over the light source surfaces (A_e) instead of the hemisphere (Omega_{mathbf{x}}): [ newcommand{vr}{mathbf{r}} L_r^mathrm{direct}(vx,omega_o) = int_{A_e} f_r (vx,(vxtovy) leftrightarrow omega_o),L_e (vy,vytovx) , mathrm{d} vy?? qquad(text{warning: this is not (yet) correct}) ]

Here (mathbf{x}tomathbf{y}) refers to the normalized direction from (mathbf{x}) to (mathbf{y}) (i.e., (mathbf{x}tomathbf{y} := (mathbf{y} - mathbf{x})/| mathbf{y} - mathbf{x} |)) and (L_e(vx,omega)) is the amount of emitted radiance at position (vx) into direction (omega). The integral above motivates the algorithm, but it is not correct: since we changed the integration variable from the solid angle domain to positions, there should be a matching change of variables factor that accounts for this (this is not unlike switching from polar coordinates to a Cartesian coordinate system). In our case, this change of variable factor is known as the geometric term: [ G(vxleftrightarrowvy) :=V(vx, vy)frac{ |vn_vx cdot(vxtovy)|,cdot, |vn_vy cdot(vytovx)|}{|vx-vy|^2} ]

The first term (V(vx, vy)) is the visibility function, which is (1) or (0) if the two points are mutually visible or invisible, respectively. The numerator contains the absolute value of two dot products that correspond to the familiar cosine foreshortening factors at both (vx) and (vy). The denominator is the inverse square falloff that we already observed when rendering with point lights. The '(leftrightarrow)' notation expresses that (G) is symmetric with respect to its arguments.

Given the geometric term, we can now write down the final form of the reflection equation defined as an integral over surfaces: [ newcommand{vr}{mathbf{r}} L_r^mathrm{direct}(vx,omega_o) = int_{A_e} f_r (vx,(vxtovy) leftrightarrow omega_o),G(vxleftrightarrowvy),L_e (vy,vytovx), mathrm{d} vy ] Note that the cosine factor in the original integral is absorbed by one of the dot products the geometric term. To implement distribution ray tracing in Nori, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new integrator src/whitted.cpp (the name will become clear later)
  2. The integrator should begin by finding the first surface interaction (vx) visible along the ray passed to the Li() function. This part works just like in the simple.cpp integrator. What this step does is to apply the ray tracing operator (mathrm{RayTrace}(vc, omega_c)) to convert reflected radiance at surfaces into incident radiance at the camera (vc): [ L_i(vc,omega_c)=L_r(mathrm{RayTrace}(vc, omega_c), -omega_c). ]
  3. Given (vx), the distribution ray tracer should then approximate the above integral by sampling a single position (vyinmathcal{L}) and then returning the body of the integral, i.e. [ f_r (vx,(vxtovy) leftrightarrow omega_o),G(vxleftrightarrowvy),L_e (vy,vytovx) ] divided by the probability of the sample (vy) per unit area. However, this will require a few extra pieces of functionality.

    Take a look at the Emitter interface. It is almost completely empty. Clearly, some mechanism for sample generation, evaluation of probabilities, and for returning the emitted radiance is needed. We don't explicitly specify an API that you should use to implement the sampling and evaluation operations for emitters—finding suitable abstractions is part of the exercise. That said, you can look at the BSDF definitions in include/nori/bsdf.h to get a rough idea as to how one might get started with such an interface.

Discuss the design choices and challenges you faced in your report. Render the scene scenes/pa1/motto-diffuse.xml and don't forget to include a comparison against our reference solution: motto-diffuse.exr.

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